We believe prayer is not only a command by the Lord Jesus Christ, but also a means of grace for every true follower of Christ. If you are an attender at Restoration and have a concern that you would like prayer for, you can fill out a card that is found in the seat back in front of you on Sunday mornings and drop it either in the collection plate or the box that is located in the back of the Worship Center. Or you can send us an e-mail at prayer@restorationbuffalo.com with your request.
There is a group that meets during the week to pray over the requests. A weekly prayer list also goes out to the elders, deacons, and various leaders of the church. On Sunday mornings there is a member of the Prayer Team dedicated to praying for the service. We pray for God’s presence to be felt in the kids area with the children’s ministry and for every person seated in the Worship Center.
At 8:00AM on the second Saturday of each month we have a time where everyone is welcome to come together for prayer led by our Deacon of Prayer, Richard Wilson.
At Restoration Church we try to be persistent and consistent in prayer. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 tells us to “pray without ceasing.”