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Interested in becoming a member at Restoration Church of Buffalo, NY?

Become a Member

Why Become a Member?

In a world of radical individualism,
the church of Jesus Christ stands as a compelling contrast.

Scripture declares that Jesus Christ was risen from the dead to form a new community. Moreover, Jesus said that all the world would recognize those who are his by the way they love one another. Church membership is a commitment first to Christ and second to love his people in the local church. Restoration holds church membership in high regard.

How do I become a member?

  1. The first step of membership is declaring faith in Jesus Christ.
    We believe that public baptism is the method ordained by scripture whereby disciples of Jesus publicly proclaim their faith.
  2. Second, attend a Credo class.
    Credo is where those who are new to faith or new to Restoration Church learn what is expected as a member.
  3. Third, set up an interview with the elders.
    Relationship is vital to membership; therefore, potential new members are invited to meet with our elders to answer any further questions. This is a casual time where members and church leaders can learn how to integrate into the Restoration community.
  4. Fourth, attend a quarterly new member meeting.
    Member meetings are where new members are introduced and officially welcomed to the community of Restoration. Quarterly member meetings include prayer, vision casting, and a time for Q&A.