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Church Planting

We exist to see every man, woman, and child have repeated opportunities to experience the restoration of the Gospel. Seeing new churches start is critical and strategic to this becoming a reality.

Why Church Planting?

Restoration Church exists to see every man, woman, and child have repeated opportunities to experience the restoration of the Gospel in our community, region, nation, and world. Seeing new churches started in these various places is both critical and strategic to seeing the mission become reality. Our desire is to be a congregation that plays an active role in seeing new ones begin. However, we cannot do this alone.


We believe we can accomplish more by partnering with others. In order to effectively start new Gospel works, we are partnering with the following organizations:

  1. The Church of Western New York
  2. Southeastern Seminary EQUIP Program
  3. Saturation Church Planting
  4. The North American Mission Board
  5. The International Mission Board

Through these combined partnerships we can faithfully play our part in equipping and assessing future church planters right here at Restoration Church, in Western New York, in our nation, and around the world.


If you have questions or would like to know more information please email us at: