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"For the mountains may be removed and the hills may shake, but My lovingkindness will not be removed from you, And My covenant of peace will not be shaken,” says the Lord who has compassion on you.

Isaiah 54:10

Restoration Church exists to see every man, woman and child  experience the Restoration of the Gospel.  If you have a special need or a way we can serve you during this time, please use the link to send us your prayer request/need.

Join Us Online for Church Sundays

Restoration Church regularly gathers every Sunday at 9 and 11AM.

Live Events: Weekly message of encouragement & sermons

Find more sermons or messages of encouragement delivered every Tuesday(Pastor Jim) and Thursday( Pastor Dan)
 on Restoration’s YouTube channel or on our Facebook channel.

A Message from the Elders

We often sing the hymn, “A Might Fortress is Our God.” The second stanza of this hymn says,

And though this world, with devils filled, should threaten to undo us, We will not fear, for God hath willed His truth to triumph through us. . . “

We will need not fear during this time because Jesus is alive and His resurrection is real. When anxiety touches your mind, be quick to focus on the resurrection — the resurrection of Jesus Christ is our hope!

Moreover, the elders and Restoration staff want to communicate some vital information regarding church life during this crisis:

  1. First, we will submit to all CDC guidelines and requests from our local, state, and federal government. As Romans 13:1 commands, we will submit to the authorities God has appointed.
  2. Second, Restoration Church elders and staff will continue to work during this time. Although the church will not be gathering publicly, the ministries of the church will continue. The work of ministry will continue. Restoration Church offices will remain open to minister to the needs of our church and community.
  3. Third, our staff team has met to strategize and develop a care plan for our elderly brothers and sisters as well as care plans for covenant members, congregants, and the community. Our goal is to live out our core values of Empowerment and Relationship; therefore, expect to hear from leaders and members of our staff team shortly. You will receive instructions as to how you can play your part in caring for one another soon.
  4. Fourth, please remember that we need to be in prayer for one another. We will be launching a specific page on our website where prayer requests will be collected and disseminated throughout the body. For more immediate prayer requests, please email If you have an urgent need, please email or or call/text 716-541-0794.
  5. Fifth, Restoration elders will seek to serve you though spiritual nourishment, prayer, and pastoral care. Moreover, we will communicate regularly with you during this time by using the following platforms for communication: email, text, Restoration Facebook page, personal blogs, and phones. If you know of people that are not proficient in certain mediums of communication, please call them. (May I suggest that personal phone calls will be welcomed during this trial.)
  6. Sixth, Restoration Church’s Sunday gatherings will remain online through April 19th. At that time the elders will assess the status of Sunday morning gatherings moving forward as per public health recommendations.

Finally, this is a time for the church to shine! When famine struck the first-century church, followers of Jesus united to care for one another. Disciples of Jesus not only cared for other disciples but for unbelievers as well. The care of the church was so compelling that the pagan world invented the name “Christian” (little Christs) to describe followers of Jesus. Restoration, this is a time for the church to live up to the beautiful name of Christian.

Love and peace on behalf of the elders,

Pastor Dan

We want to pray for you

If you have a prayer need, we want to pray for you. We will not share any of your information other than to pray for you. All information will remain secure and confidential.

Prayer Requests
We respect your privacy. Your information will remain secure and confidential within our system and will not be shared with anyone. Please read our privacy policy for more information.